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Answers to frequently asked questions.

How to apply and use Drop Shadow for elements in the All View editor?
How to apply a Drop Shadow to elements in your ad design?
What shortcuts can I use in the ad editor?
How to change the name of an ad set?
How does All View behave and replace elements across all sizes?
How to replace fonts in your ad sets?
How to edit an image simultaneously in all sizes?
How to edit text elements simultaneously in all sizes?
How to edit a button simultaneously in all sizes?
What type of elements does Bannerwise support?
How to add custom sizes in the creating flow?
How to add new, extra sizes to already existing adsets?
How to add custom sizes to already existing ad sets?
How to generate the design of new sizes from an already existing size?
How to calculate the size of my ads in the ad editor?
Why are layers overlapping on the stage?
How to manage slides on your timeline?
How to hide elements on the stage?
How to lock elements on the stage?
How to make buttons automatically resize based on its text content?
How to add a mouseover to a button?
How to add an emphasis animation to elements in your design?
How to add and set up the move animation in your ads?
How to add dynamic elements to your ads?
How to automatically hyphenate text?
How to make text automatically scale in font size?
How to add text formatting to a text element?
How to crop images in the ad editor?
How to add a ClickTag?
What is the relation between click layers and landing page URL?
How to add a landing page URL?
How to add multiple click areas?
How to add multiple dynamic click areas?
How to upload custom fonts?
How to make sure that your font displays correctly in your ads?
How to enable sound in your in-banner videos?

How to publish display ads?
How to download your ads?
What ad elements can be locally previewed?
How to push ads directly to your campaign?
How to calculate the size of my ads in the publish settings?
What are the possibilities of pushing ads directly from Bannerwise?
How to push ads to different accounts using one API integration?
How to connect to Google Ads or Campaign Manager?
How to connect to Adform?
How to connect to Facebook?
How to push ads directly to Google Ads?
How to push ads directly to Campaign Manager?
How to push ads directly to Adform?
How to push ads directly to Facebook?
How to publish in-banner video ads?
What options are there to publish in-banner video ads?
How to publish in-banner video ads for the Google Marketing Platform?
How to publish in-banner video ads for Google Ads?
Why does Bannerwise host in-banner video ads?
How to export your ads as Third-party tags?
How to work with third-party tags?
How to check the settings of your third-party tag creatives?
How to use third-party tags for Google Ads?
How to upload 3rd-party tags in Google Campaign Manager for your in-banner video ads?
How to upload 3rd-party tags in DV360 for your in-banner video ads?
How to upload 3rd-party tags in Google Ad Manager for your in-banner video ads?
How to upload 3rd-party tags in Adform for your in-banner video ads?
How to export your display and social ads as MP4 or PNG?
How to publish your animated GIF?
How to publish GIF banners?
How to download ads as AMPHTML?
What is Retina and how to work with it?
How to create fallback images?

What Facebook Business Catalogues does Bannerwise support?
How to manually create and set up a Social Dynamic Feed from scratch?
How to upload a dynamic feed for Facebook in Bannerwise?
How to upload a dynamic feed for Pinterest in Bannerwise?
How to upload a dynamic feed for Snapchat in Bannerwise?
How to set up a schedule for your Social Dynamic Ads?
How does Facebook synchronize with the Bannerwise DPA feed?
How to manually force a feed update for your Social Dynamic Ads?
How to disable your feed schedule?
How to disable your feed schedule for specific ad sets?
How to create Social Dynamic Ads?
How to optimize your Social Dynamic ad design?
How to add Rules & Conditions to Dynamic Ads?
What Rules and Conditions are supported by Dynamic Ads?
How are line items affected by dynamic conditions?
How to manage Dynamic conditions?
How to create new ad layouts for the different dynamic conditions?
How to change the feed of a Dynamic Social ad set?
How to preview the different layouts of Social Dynamic Ads?
How to add filters and search for products in Social Dynamic Ads preview?
How to prioritize conditions for Dynamic Ads?
How to publish your Social Dynamic Ads?
Where can I find the newly generated feed URL for Social Dynamic Ads?
How to upload a Facebook DPA to a catalogue?
How to update the design of my Social Dynamic Ads?
What information does a Reporting email provide?
How to preview Social Dynamic Ads with the new URL generated by Bannerwise?
How to create a Split-test for your Facebook DPA?
How to manually force a schedule update on your Facebook catalogue?
How to create a set of items in your Facebook Commerce Manager Catalog?