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Chapter 6: Uploading your dynamic ads to Google Campaign Manager
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

After uploading all your dynamic ads to Studio, you are ready to add them to Campaign Manager. Make sure that the selected advertiser is associated with Campaign Manager.

Step 1: In your Google Studio account, select "Creatives" and find "Advertisers" in the navigation menu. Find the advertiser that you have added your feed and creatives to and select "Make association".

Step 2: In the "Notify" field, enter traffickers' email addresses, separated by commas

adding a CC and message to recipients is optional. Once all the information is filled in, click on "Send."

Step 3: After you have set up an association with Campaign Manager, you can send your ads to the QA team for review. Select "Creatives" in the navigation menu. Select the creative you would like to publish.

Step 4: Select one of the ad sizes that is part of your dynamic set and navigate to step 5 titled "Publish" by clicking the "Next" button.

If you are unable to navigate to this step, make sure you have selected or uploaded a fallback image for your ad in step 2 "Manage files". You can generate fallback images in Bannerwise by exporting a JPG version of your ads.

Step 5: Use the checkboxes to select the creatives to publish for QA. Uncheck the "Send a notification to Studio's QA team" option. Optionally, you can add the email address or addresses of your own QA team.

Enter your QA team member's email address in the "Notify" field. In the CC field,

enter any other applicable contacts (such as traffickers) that you want notified

when the creatives are published.

Step 6: Click "Publish to QA" to change the status of creatives to Published, and start the QA testing process.

Step 7: Studio’s QA team tests the creatives and emails you when the review is complete.

An alert icon appears next to creatives that can't be published. Hover this

icon for more information:

Step 8: After your ads have been approved by your QA team you are ready to publish your ads. Check the status of all the ads in your account and make sure all the ad sizes you want to use in the campaign have their status marked as "QA approved". An

overview is available in your Creatives overview:

Step 9: Navigate to "Creatives" and select "Campaigns" in the navigation menu. Select the campaign that you have added your dynamic creatives to. Select all sizes you would like to publish.

Step 10: After selecting all your sizes, navigate to the dropdown box labeled "QA options" and select the option "Submit approved".

Your ads will now be available to traffic in the Campaign Manager account you have associated with this advertiser.

That's it! You have successfully published your dynamic ads in Google Campaign Manager.

If you want to know more about this feature and are interested in publishing dynamic Ads for Google Studio, schedule a meeting with us! We will provide you with the next steps and all you need to know.


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