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Introduction: Dynamic Ads for Google Marketing Platform (Studio & Campaign Manager)
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

The struggle is real. Agencies and advertisers alike are starting to discover the potential of dynamic ad campaigns, but are having trouble to keep things simple. The possibilities of Google Marketing Platform are vast, resulting in a platform resembling an airplane cockpit that few fully understand.

This guide is created to help anyone that can use some help with setting up dynamic

display campaigns using Google Marketing Platform and our Creative Management

Platform, Bannerwise. We have simplified creating dynamic ads significantly, so you

don’t necessarily have to be a techie to set up a dynamic display campaign.

Our guide covers all steps from adding a feed to Bannerwise to publishing a dynamic

display campaign in Campaign Manager. Get started with creating your own dynamic

campaign today!

Note that Studio is formerly known as DoubleClick Creative Studio. This guide is up to

date with recent efforts of Google to bring all their products under the Google

Marketing Platform umbrella.

To get started, make sure that you have a working feed that is compatible with

Google Marketing Platform. For the purpose of this guide, we will assume that

you have this ready. If you want to know more about feed specifications and

requirements, please consult this resource by Google.


If you want to know more about this feature and are interested in publishing dynamic Ads for Google Studio, schedule a meeting with us! We will provide you with the next steps and all you need to know.

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