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Chapter 1: Adding your feed to Google Ads (Non-Retail)
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Business types such as Custom, Education, Flight, Hotel & Rental, Jobs, Local deals, Real estate property, and Travel can be uploaded as .csv, .tsv, .xls, or xlsx files in your Google Ads account. Since we only support the upload of CSV feeds in Bannerwise, please make use of the CSV option.

To link your accounts follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Click on "Tools & Settings" in the top right corner of your screen. Under the section labeled "Setup" click on "Business data".

Step 2: On the left menu, click on "Data feeds" and click on the "+" button.

Step 3: Click on "Dynamic ad feed" and choose the feed business type.

Step 4: Add a name to your feed, upload the feed file from your computer and select "Apply".

Creating a dynamic feed schedule:

After adding your feed to Google Ads it’s time to set up a schedule. The schedule will

allow Google Ads to synchronize the source feed with Google Ads. Meaning that if a

line item changes in your source feed it will also automatically update in Google Ads.

Keeping all your data up to date.

You can create a schedule by following the steps below.

Step 5: In the list of feeds click on the feed you’ve just added. In the sidebar on the left click on "Schedules”. Click now on "New schedule".

Step 6: Select a source type.

In order to set up a schedule it is required that your feed is hosted on a server. It’s also possible to use a Google Spreadsheet. If you don’t know how to create a Google Spreadsheet from your CSV file follow the steps below. Make sure that you are

logged in with the account you also use for Google Ads:

  • In the browser navigate to

  • Click on the big plus icon on the top of your screen.

  • In the menu bar click on “File” and in the drop down menu click on “Import.”

  • In the modal select the tab “Upload.”

  • Click on the “select a file from your device” button.

  • Select your file and click on "open."

  • Under import location make sure that the “Replace spreadsheet” option is selected.

  • Click on “Import data.”

Now that you’ve successfully imported your data into a Google Spreadsheet you can

select the source type "Google Sheets". After selecting Google Sheets click on the “Link an existing Google Sheet”, select your spreadsheet and continue to “Select a frequency.”

If you want to know more about this feature and are interested in publishing dynamic Ads for Google Ads, schedule a meeting with us! We will provide you with the next steps and all you need to know.


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