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Introduction: The power of Dynamic Retargeting
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Often used for dynamic remarketing, dynamic display ads allow advertisers to retarget website visitors with relevant products. As of June 2018 Google has added the option to create dynamic display campaigns for prospecting, making dynamic ads even more valuable for advertisers.

Google offers limited options for the customisation of your ads. Based on your website and the data in your feed Google generates the ads for you, causing them to look quite generic.

Using Google’s templates is quite easy. The problem is, with no options to customize the ads your branding goes overboard and it is hard to stand out.

Bannerwise offers the possibility to customize your Dynamic Ads for Google with

complete creative freedom. Considering the fact that your campaigns’ results are for the better part impacted by the looks of your creatives, customization becomes key.

This guide is created to help anyone that can use some help with setting up dynamic

display campaigns using Google Ads and our Creative Management Platform,

Bannerwise. Thanks to our intuitive user interface you don’t necessarily have to be a

techie to set up a dynamic display campaign.

If your working with RETAIL business type feed, follow the chapters below:

Before getting started, make sure that you have a working feed that is compatible with Google Ads as an XML hosted via Google Merchant Center depending on your

business type. For the purpose of this guide, we will assume that you have this ready.

If your working with other business type (NOT Retail), follow the chapters below:

To get started, make sure that you have a working feed that is compatible with

Google Ads as a CSV URL. For the purpose of this guide, we will assume that you have this ready and explain how to continue work in Bannerwise.

The chapters below are the same for Retail and the rest of business types. You can continue with Chapter 4.

If you want to know more about this feature and are interested in publishing dynamic Ads for Google Ads, schedule a meeting with us! We will provide you with the next steps and all you need to know.

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